Monday, September 8, 2008

Back To School...

Well, I know that I promised to post some more in August but it turns out that didn't happen. I wanted to, and sometimes I thought of posting interesting things, but I didn't because I had other stuff to do. You might be asking "What stuff Alex, I want to know all about you because I am a cyber stalker." and to that I say, I was trying to finish out my summer in a relaxing mood. But hey, look on the brightside all you cyber stalkers, I will start posting more now, and maybe with pictures if I get a camera for Christmas.

So, school has finally started and kids around the world have been moaning and groaning because it is the first week back. Well, this year I am not groaning because it is my senior year and this year should be the easiest because I finally have a flippin' period off. I get to go home every other day at 12 and I can just take a nap or whatever I want. I am trying to get work experience also so then I can go home early every day. Wouldn't that be sweet! Going home everyday at Twelve! I could get so much done...or just waste all my time and then start my homework! Either way it would definitely be better than being here all day. Well, I'll hit this back later, it's class time right now so Peace.

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